
The Community of North Shore is pleased to provide a letter of reference for Engineering Technologies Canada Ltd. (ETC) During 2009 the Community of North Shore engaged Engineering Technologies Canada Ltd. to conduct a Long-Term Water and Wastewater Servicing Study for the municipality. The community of Stanhope has a history of water and sewer concerns and has been the subject of previous studies. It was decided by the north Shore Council that a more comprehensive assessment of the water and sewer needs for the whole North Shore Community was required. ETC successfully delivered the study needed to serve as the framework for the future of this municipality.
As background, the residents of the Stanhope Peninsula have historically dealt with water quality problems such as salt water intrusion, coliform and e-coli bacteria contamination. Studies conducted in 2000 and 2007, both confirmed that more data was needed to better understand the current potential issues and identify cost effective solutions and options. The purpose of the Water and Waste Water Servicing Study for the community was to investigate and identify existing and potential water and sewer issues withing the communities of Stanhope, Covehead, and West Covehead and recommend an appropriate mix of options for financially viable, environmentally safe and sustainable long term solutions.
The contract was awarded to ETC principally because of their proven track record of assessing and developing workable water and sewer options and solutions for small rural communities. ETC’s approach is innovative and thorough. We are confident that the study is built on solid statistical data and this is enforced by the expertise of ETC as well as those professionals that were consultants on these projects. ETC partnered with hydrogeological consultants, municipal engineers, and planning consultants in order to ensure that the technical issues were thoroughly addressed in the study. As a community, the end result is a Long-Term Water and Wastewater Servicing Study consisting of a Community Profile, a Wastewater Needs Assessment, a Water Needs Assessment and an Analysis of Options and Solutions. All four volumes are valuable living documents and have provided Council with the ability to make informed decisions in the best interest of the residents and property owners.
On a personal noted, Kelly Galloway and her staff are conscientious, enthusiastic, hard working and professional in their field of endeavour. ETC is a team committed to a solid end result. It was a pleasure to work with Kelly and the staff of ETC and it is without hesitation, I recommend ETC to other municipalities who are considering undergoing a water and wastewater servicing study.
When an engineer undertakes an innovative or alternative project that has little local familiarity, is less financially rewarding, and subjects the engineer to risks of ridicule, all on behalf of the client and the environment, that engineer should be commended by the engineering fraternity. Such is the case of the Victoria Wastewater Project by Engineering Technologies Canada (ETC) Ltd., and in particular the company president, Mrs. Kelly Galloway, P.Eng.
Anyone who thinks that a STEG/STEP project is not esoteric has not undertaken one. Under the leadership of Mrs. Galloway, ETC probed intensely into such aspects as odor control, the unique hydraulics of STEG/STEP, and uncommonly stringent control of infiltration and inflow. The concept may be simple, but it is not simple minded. Ample evidence of this exists in the numerous poorly done projects that dot the country. The engineers of ETC have distinguished themselves by setting the high water mark for STEG/STEP systems on PEI and Atlantic Canada.
I feel that I am in a position to know of the special involvement given by ETC, since I was engaged as an advisory consultant on the STEG/STEP portion of this project. I have been deeply involved with these systems continuously since 1974 (35 years), and have consulted on hundreds of systems from coast to coast and beyond. The water Pollution Control Federation manual of practice, the state of Florida standards, and similar publications have been prepared with my involvement, and I have authored numerous papers on the subject for the National Environmental Research Center, USEPA (Environmental Protection Agency). I have given presentations in most U.S. States, certain universities, and consulting engineering offices, and gave intensive training sessions for EPA personnel.
The Community of Victoria has the pleasure of supporting the nomination of Engineering Technologies Canada Ltd. (ETC) for the Award for Engineering Achievement, based on their skilled and innovative approach to the Victoria Water and Wastewater Project.
Over a period of 20 years or more several previous attempts by Victoria Council to implement a central sewer system had been unsuccessful. Residents were concerned about costs and there was some opposition to the installation of a new direct discharge pipe to the harbour. Victoria Council undertook this project with the following objectives in mind:
To rectify the sanitation problems in the core area of Victoria due to malfunctioning septic systems. To provide effective and sustainable wastwater management for the homes and businesses which were serviced by holding tanks. To eliminate the existing direct discharge to the harbour from the sewage system servicing the wharf. To protect Victoria’s central water supply wells from possible contamination by nearby septic systems. To reduce water consumption and to reduce the overall demand on the Village’s central supply wells. To allow the Community to grow and expand as all new home construction, and planned business expansions in the core area had been put on hold indefinitely due to the lack of adequate sanitation. To allow for a more equitable “user-pay” system for water and sewer rates. We believe that Kelly Galloway and her team have researched, designed and implemented a cost effective system that met the above objectives in a way that conventional approaches could not. The road to reach this successful conclusion was not simple, nor did it happen quickly. From the initial feasibility study beginning in 2002, through to the completion of the infrastructure project in 2008, ETC carefully researched the options as they investigated the many anticipated technical challenges and several unanticipated hurdles that came up.
Rather then proposing traditional centralized approaches simply because it would be the path of least resistance, Kelly and her team were willing to address the existing problems by seeking and adapting alternative and innovative solutions which were proven in other communities. To maximize success in the “technology transfer” and to protect the interests of Victoria and its residents, Kelly retained several outside experts as advisory consultants.
We found Engineering Technologies Canada Ltd. to be through and innovative in their approach. Their knowledge of alternative collection, treatment and land-based effluent dispersal systems is unique and impressive, as is their ability to explain complex technical issues to non-engineers and the public. This is evident in the fact that at a public meeting on Feb. 28, 2006, Victoria’s residents gave an overwhelming endorsement (94% in favour) for the project to proceed.
We believe that many other small rural communities will be able to benefit from the approaches and technologies identified and implemented by ETC. Ms. Galloway’s expertise, enthusiasm and interest in identifying and researching new technologies and successfully applying them to the Village of Victoria’s specific requirements was critical to the success of this project. The Village is once again growing and vibrant, and its future is very bright.
I have no hesitation in recommending Engineering Technologies Canada Ltd. (ETC). We have worked with Kelly and her staff for the past several years. We have found them to be very honest, hardworking, accommodating and able to talk to us in a language that we could understand. The following is a brief description of our project.
Caissie Cape is a coastal community characterized by small lot sizes, high groundwater table and clayey soils. For several years the Community has been experiencing sever problems with well contamination and malfunctioning septic systems. This has prevented further development from proceeding.
ETC was selected to carry out a study in view of their experience with innovative and alternative wastewater management systems. ETC first prepared a detailed Community Profile, and ten carried out a survey of residents to gather information on the number and condition of wells, septic systems and holding tanks.
The study utilized innovative methods such as an on-site sewage disposal viability assessment of individual building lots, and analysis of GIS data to determine the best approach to sewage servicing. The study included an investigation into several innovative or alternative collection, treatment and effluent dispersal options as well as conventional options. The study compared the total cost of each option (capital, land, and operating and maintenance) over the full expected life of each system.
Kelly Galloway attended a community meeting to help explain and present the results of the study to area residents and it was very well received. The committee was very pleased with the study and continues to rely on ETC to guide the committee forward with a Phase 1 infrastructure project.
The Town of Stratford engaged Engineering Technologies Canada Ltd. in 2002 to conduct and “On-site Wastewater Viability study” of the area of the town that was serviced with on site septic systems. The study identified whether or not existing and potential on site septic systems were viable. Where on site systems were deemed viable, design and management approaches were proposed to help ensure their viability. Where on-site systems were deemed not viable, various options including central servicing and local cluster treatment systems were examined and compared. The study formed an integral part of the development of a comprehensive new municipal servicing strategy that will see:
some areas serviced by septic tank effluent gravity collection and peatland cluster treatment systems;
some areas with conventional central gravity sewer collection to the existing treatment plant; and
some areas serviced with on-site septic systems built and maintained to a higher standard.
The study team, led by Kelly Galloway and her staff from Engineering Technologies Canada, was supplemented by a local established engineering consulting firm for the central servicing work and by a senior consultant from the United States with significant experience in on site and alternative treatment technologies. We found Engineering Technologies Canada and the study team to be thorough and innovative in their approach. Their knowledge of alternative treatment systems and on-site septic systems was impressive and we were very satisfied with the study.
I have worked with Kelly Galloway on two high profile, multi-million dollar tourism projects during the past five years, both of which posed significant engineering challenges. The Hopewell Rocks Ocean Tidal Discovery Centre and the Cape Jourimain Nature Centre are showcases for environmentally sensitive tourism infrastructure development. Cape Jourimain is located in a National Wildlife area with stringent restrictions on the type and amount of disturbance to habitat, and Hopewell Rocks, the icon of New Brunswick’s tourism industry, is regarded as a provincial treasure. In both cases, traditional engineering solutions could not be applied due to site conditions and/or environmental restrictions.
Ms. Galloway had the expertise, enthusiasm and interest to identify and research new technologies and successfully apply them to the specific requirements of each project. Kelly also provided on going liaison with representatives of provincial Departments of Health and the Environment which was critical to the approval process.
As Development Manager, I sincerely appreciate her contribution to the success of these projects.
It has been my distinct pleasure to have enjoyed a professional relationship with Kelly Galloway for the past seven years. As a planning consultant (and a former Director of Provincial Planning with the Provincial Government) for over 25 years I have struggled with the problems of finding appropriate waste water treatment solutions for small, slow growth rural communities and stand alone resorts and rural subdivisions (of which P.E.I has many).
Kelly Galloway is the one engineering consultant in our province who has consistently been willing to address these problems by seeking out alternative and innovative solutions, rather than simply adapting often inappropriate, urban style, centralized solutions. Kelly and I share a strong belief that decentralized systems, if properly designed, installed and maintained, very often offer the most environmentally and financially appropriate solutions. Unfortunately this has not been the conventional wisdom in this Province. Accordingly, Kelly has been forced to assume the role (probably not by choice) as an advocate for these systems. In my opinion her actions have had a significant impact on improving on-site waste water treatment system standards in P.E.I. Her willingness to provide her expertise to public forums and directly to municipal authorities has also had very positive effects.
I was able to involve Kelly Galloway directly in the preparation of the new Official Plans for the newly created suburban Towns of Stratford and Cornwall. In both instances, the Town’s adopted rural development zones with Waste Water Management District provisions. In both cases, these communities also adopted dual permitting provisions whereby higher standards for on-site treatment systems have been adopted by each municipality than those imposed by the Provincial Government.
Given her relatively brief career in the Atlantic Region, Kelly Galloway has had a remarkable impact of public policy (particularly at the municipal level) in terms of the acceptance of innovative, de-centralized solutions to waste water treatment. Her willingness to impart her knowledge and energy to various public groups is something which the engineering profession should strongly support and acknowledge.
Kelly is an exemplary representative for your profession in our province.
My name is Noël Hamann and I am the General Manager of The Hopewell Rocks Ocean Tidal Exploration Site. I am very pleased to write this letter of reference for Kelly Galloway of Engineering Technologies Canada (ETC) in support of her nomination for the CCPE Young Engineer Achievement Award. Kelly Galloway was responsible for the research, design and installation of a Recirculating Sand Filter (RSF) as a waste treatment solution at The Hopewell Rocks.
The Hopewell Rocks is the tourism icon for the Province of New Brunswick. Open seasonally from mid-May to mid October. The Hopewell Rocks now welcomes upwards of 200,000 visitors each year.
In 1998 Serco Facilities Management (New Brunswick) Inc. entered into a Public/Private partnership with the Department of Tourism & Parks, New Brunswick, to transform the Hopewell Rocks into a world class attraction. As a key part of our mandate at the Hopewell Rocks, Serco was given a stewardship of this unique, rugged and beautiful natural environment.
I am proud to say that Serco has met with a good measure of success at the Hopewell Rocks as can be measured by the recognition given through the following awards:
1. Best New Attraction in Canada, 1999, Attractions Canada.
2. Highly Commended Award for the Americas, 1999, British Airways, Tourism for Tomorrow Awards
3. Phoenix Award, 2001, Society of American Travel Writers.
All of the aforementioned awards recognized Serco’s contribution to sustainable development in tourism through environmental awareness and use of ecological sound practices, in the management at The Hopewell Rocks.
Each of the awards mentioned the use of the Recirculating Sand Filter (RSF) as a waste treatment solution in use at The Hopewell Rocks. Not only has Kelly Galloway and ETC generally contributed to our success at The Hopewell Rocks, they have played an indirect role in Serco’s receiving these awards. Kelly Galloway has been very positive and professional in her relationship with Serco. Ms. Galloway has helped educate Serco staff members so that we could assume all aspects of the management of the RSF on our site.
In addition, Ms. Galloway has demonstrated time and time again her commitment and thoroughness during all of the phases of the installation of the RSF, as well as the followup with documentation, training and assistance in communicating with Health and Environment officials.
Finally, I would say that it is a pleasure to deal with Ms. Galloway because she is so patient and able to explain the subtleties of engineering design in layman’s terms to people like myself who are not well versed in such matters.
I commend Ms. Galloway for her work with Serco at The Hopewell Rocks and hope that she will be afforded the recognition of her peers with the CCPE Young Engineer Achievement Award.
Our firm has had a working relationship with Kelly Galloway for the past 5 years. BDA Ltd. is committed to the design and development of projects that will be part of a sustainable future which requires innovation in all aspects of the design process.
ETC have become a welcome addition to our design team. This firm has the knowledge base and interest in ‘pushing the envelope’ to find sustainable solutions for waste treatment and water conservation issues. We have recently completed two projects with ETC and are working on two current projects. BDA were prime consultants for the Greenwich Day Use Facility of Prince Edward Island which was completed in the fall of 2000 for Parks Canada. It was selected by the Energy Technology Center of Natural Resources Canada for presentation at the International Green Building Challenge 2000 Conference held in Maestricht, Netherlands in October of 2000. The project was selected because it demonstrated a self sufficient renewable energy system (photovoltaic and wind turbine) water conservation technologies and sustainable development methods including material selection, construction details, site and building design. The project was also selected by the Canadian Society of Landscape Architects (CSLA) for a National merit and Regional Honour Awards. The jury noted that the project is a model of site scale sustainable design practices.
BDA were subconsultants on the Cape Jourimain Nature Center project which was completed in the spring of 2001. Along with providing sustainable engineering solutions to wast water issues, ETC in collaboration with BDA were able to provide a ‘light intervention’ solution for the waste water disposal field allowing the protection of existing forest cover.
BDA are currently heading up two projects that ETC are providing engineering subconsulting. This includes a 1000 unit resort development on Prince Edward Island that is being designed following the principles of sustainable development and an arboretum project that will be designed to utilize wast water as part of the irrigation scheme.
We are pleased to have an engineer of Kelly Galloway’s caliber to work with to advance professional ideals.