Engineering Technologies Canada Ltd.

On-site Sewage Treatment Systems

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News Release – ETC to receive investment funding to commercialize Septic Sitter

For Immediate Release: March 31, 2015 Stratford, Prince Edward Island Engineering Technologies Canada Ltd. (ETC) is pleased to announce that our product division, Dynamic Monitors, will receive a financial investment from Innovation PEI to help commercialize our patented Septic SitterTM system. ETC is one of five companies selected to receive funding through Innovation PEI’s Development and Commercialization Fund. Recipients were chosen from a pool of over twenty applicants through a competitive, peer review process. “It is indeed an honour to have been selected to receive this financial support by an independent peer review committee made up of leaders from the private sector, academia and government” says ETC President, Kelly Galloway, P.Eng. “It is a real vote of confidence, in the business opportunity and our company”. Companies will receive up to $100,000 which must be matched dollar for dollar. Dynamic Monitors designs and develops innovative electronic devices which make on-site sewage systems more sustainable, effective and affordable. The Septic Sitter is an internet-connected monitor and early warning alert system for septic drainfields and tanks. Approximately 30 million homes in North America use onsite sewage treatment (aka septic) systems as opposed to centralized sewage collection and treatment. It is estimated that 40%

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ETC solves sewage challenge for owner of Burnside Community Care Home

Engineering Technologies Canada Ltd. (ETC) was retained by Hartshire Holdings to design a state-of-the-art, cost effective and green onsite sewage system for the Burnside Community Care Home in Clyde River, PEI. The new Burnside Community Care Facility in Clyde River, PEI The new 40 bed community care home features both single and double-bed rooms. The building has three levels, wheelchair accessible showers, dining room, community room, a chapel, beauty salon, activity room and two lounges. The beautifully landscaped grounds will feature a courtyard, screened-in deck, veranda, walking trail and a garden. Onsite Challenge However, being located in a rural area meant that the facility could not simply be connected to a city sewer system; it would need to have its own onsite sewage treatment system. Alan MacPhee was initially “hopeful but a little bit concerned about that”. Then he got some disappointing news – “The first engineering opinion we got was quite discouraging” says MacPhee. “We were told that the (soil) conditions were not suitable and that was the end of the story”. Concerned, but still hopeful, MacPhee wasn’t prepared yet to give up on his dream to build on the beautiful rural site. Soil conditions at the site consisted

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Victoria Water & Wastewater Project – Village of Victoria, PE

3 Minute long video overview of the project: (Photo credit: Ron Garnett, The Village of Victoria, PE is a quaint, rural village and picturesque tourist destination with many period buildings, artisans, restaurants and a bustling waterfront. Residential lots were subdivided in the mid 1800s and most are not large enough to accommodate modern septic systems. Sewage flows from many commercial establishments greatly exceeded the on-site sewage disposal capacity, requiring expensive pump-outs. New residential and commercial development was on hold until the Village solved its septic problems. Public health, the environment, and property values were threatened if a viable solution was not found. The Community of Victoria retained Engineering Technologies Canada Ltd. (ETC) to investigate conventional and alternative waste-water management options, and in 2005, to design and oversee the implementation of a new central sewage collection and treatment system. Project Objectives Orenco Advantex treatment modules being installed. • To find a solution to the sanitation problems in the core area of the Village due to failing septic systems and expensive holding tanks. • To provide affordable (life cycle basis), sustainable and effective wastewater management which would allow the Community to grow and develop. • To eliminate the direct discharge to

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Villa Sur Plage Condominiums – Robichaud, NB

Villa_Sur_Plage View the PDF version here. Villa Sur Plage Condominiums Robichaud, New Brunswick Client: Les Entreprises Mapoma Ltée Engineering Technologies Canada Ltd. (ETC) designed the first private cluster sewage system in New Brunswick to be managed by a condominium corporation. The system includes: Alternative Collection System – Septic Tank Effluent Gravity Sewer ● Innovative Sewage Treatment System – Recirculating Textile Packed-bed Filter. ● 100 mm HDDE Outfall to Northumberland Strait

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The Hopewell Rocks Provincial Park – Hopewell Cape, NB

Hopewell_Rocks On the rugged coast of Southern New Brunswick overlooking the Bay of Fundy, the majestic Hopewell Rocks attract more than 200,000 visitors annually. They come to stand in awe of the towering rock formations created by the natural forces of erosion and the highest tides in the world. A new Tidal Exploration Centre had been built with an Interpretive Centre, a 120 seat full service restaurant and public washroom facilities for the over 4000 people per day who visit the site. However, when the new Centre opened in the Summer of 1998, an acceptable means of managing wastewater had still not been found and Park operators had to truck thousands of gallons of sewage off the site every day. Engineering Technologies Canada Ltd. (ETC) was retained to find an appropriate and affordable wastewater management solution that would be acceptable to Provincial regulators. Criteria for the on-site sewage system were as follows: Zero discharge of effluent to the Bay of Fundy;● Minimize impact on the site, no additional tree clearing;● Should not require highly skilled operators;● Modular, easy to expand ETC recommended and designed a Recirculating Sand Filter (RSF) to treat the wastewater to advanced secondary levels. Fractional horsepower effluent

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Waste Management System – Cape Jourimain Nature Centre, Bayfield, NB

A new Provincial Visitor Information Centre, an Interpretive Centre and a Restaurant have been constructed at the 675 hectare Cape Jourimain National Wildlife Area in New Brunswick. The site is open to the roughly 1.5 million people who travel to Prince Edward Island via the Confederation Bridge each year. Sand dunes, saltwater marshes, beaches and forested uplands are part of this diverse and beautiful ecosystem which is on a major migratory flight path for hundreds of bird species. Site Challenges Unfortunately, the site is also characterized by a flat topography, dense clayey, glacial till soils, and a high groundwater table.  Conventional onsite sewage system approaches would have required either large scale tree clearing or a direct discharge; neither of which were suitable options for the client. Engineering Technologies Canada Ltd. (ETC) was assigned the challenge of designing and implementing an acceptable waste management strategy to protect this ecologically sensitive site. Waste Management Solution To significantly reduce the volume of sewage water to be managed, the Clivus Multrum™ composting system was selected to naturally treat all black toilet wastes. The high-strength, concentrated wastewater from the kitchen of the full service restaurant is treated to advanced secondary levels using the Canadian, Waterloo

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Residential Advanced Sewage System

View the brochure here. On the shores of St. Peter’s Bay you will find this private seaside retreat designed by acclaimed Architect,Thomas Moore. The previous failed septic system was located in an area with a high water table. ETC was retained to design an environmentally friendly and aesthetically pleasing system that could overcome the site limitations and accommodate a five bedroom cottage. Client: Thomas & Debbie Moore Contractor: G&P Trucking and Construction System Overview ●Category 3 lot with high water table. ●An advanced treatment system (Waterloo Biolfilter) treats septic tank effluent to advanced secondary levels before it is dispersed into an area bed constructed with imported sand fill. ●Tankage consisted of 2200 Igal septic tank and wet well pumping station. ●The dispersal bed was located in a clearing in the woods approximately 128 m (400ft) upgrade from the pump tank. ●A total of 30 cm of Good Quality Fill was specified and 50 cm of Approved Imported Sand under the Waterloo Biofilter shed. Client Testimonial “The new sewage system rescued the long term use and potential redevelopment for a 5 bedroom cottage on the site, a major benefit to the real estate value of the property.” “Pumping to a remote

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Video of Award Winning Project Released

The Federation of Canadian Municipalities has published a video of ETC’s award winning “Victoria Water and Wastewater Pilot Project”. The Community of Victoria in PEI and ETC were jointly awarded the 2011 Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) Sustainable Communities Award in the Water Category. You can read about the project, and view the video here (link dead).

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ETC President receives award

Kelly Galloway, P.Eng. was pleased to accept the 2009 Engineers PEI Award of “Engineering Achievement” on the behalf of Engineering Technologies Canada Ltd for the Victoria Water & Waste Water Project. Engineers PEI Website Engineers PEI Newsletter has some pics of the awards banquet on pages 7, 8 and 9. PDF version from Engineers PEI website (link dead)

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